6 Rando Facts About Meghan Markle That Will Confuse TF Out Of You

Actually...Meghan isn't her name at all.

Ever since Meghan Markle was first rumored to be Prince Harry's boo, she's been a mainstay in the media. As to be expected from a commoner joining the royal family, great lengths have been taken to investigate every last detail about Markle's life. And truthfully, we get it; she's actually interesting AF in addition to being a regulation hottie. Among the gritty details of MM's life are the following six #facts that you definitely didn't know about her.

  1. Her full name is actually Rachel Meghan Markle

  2. Her Side Hustle While Auditioning Was professional calligraphy

  3. MM Is a low-key brainiac. She received dual degrees in Communications and International Affairs from Northwestern University

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  5. She Used To Be a Briefcase Girl On 'Deal Or no Deal'

  6. She's American by birth, but (partly) British by blood!

    She is somehow related to both Shakespeare and Winston Churchill, according to experts from

  7. And she's also...distantly related to Harry?!

    Following an investigation, the Daily Mail found that the couple share a 15th-century ancestor: the High Sheriff of County Durham Ralph Bowes, whose family seat was Streatlam Castle.

    Umm... WHAT???

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