City Official, Youth Council Seek to Limit Sales of Snoop's "Blast" Drink

Over 18 states want to ban its marketing to underage consumers.

Rapper Snoop Dogg's collaboration with Pabst Brewing Company is facing resistance from groups in over 18 states who fear their Blast drink will be marketed to underage consumers. Milwaukee, Wisconsin alderman Joe Davis, Sr. and the city of Milwaukee Youth Council are introducing a bill today to limit the sales and marketing of the drink in the city.
Davis believes that the 23.5 ounce Pabst Blast encourages binge drinking and that its marketing campaign targets the hip-hop community. He also provided stats from the National Institute of Health that showed that consuming one can of Pabst Blast within two hours could raise blood levels to .08%, which is higher than the legal limit in most states.
"National studies show that young people are much more likely to engage in risky and potentially harmful behaviors such as driving while intoxicated and unprotected sex when they’re engaged in binge drinking," Davis says.
At the same time, Zach Komes, a high school senior-to-be and president of the Youth Council, says they need to make sure ensure that the city's youths were not being targeted adding, "It’s time for Milwaukee’s youth and elected officials to hold Pabst and other brewing companies responsible for targeting under-age persons through product marketing, flavoring and advertising."

(Photo: Pabst Brewing Company)

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