GOP's War on Hungry Kids: States Reject Federal Summer Food Aid

Republican leaders in Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Florida, and other states have turned their backs on millions of hungry children by refusing to participate in the federal Summer EBT program.

In a stunning display of political cruelty, Republican leaders in Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Florida and other states have refused to participate in the federal Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) program, denying millions of needy children the food assistance they need during the summer months. This heartless decision, wrapped in the rhetoric of “administrative burdens” and “federal strings,” is nothing short of a war on the most vulnerable among us—children living in poverty.

The Summer EBT program, designed to provide low-income families with $40 per child per month to cover groceries during the summer when school-provided meals are unavailable, is a lifeline for millions of kids. Yet, in a time where child hunger is surging, particularly in the states rejecting the funds, Republican leaders have chosen to turn their backs on children. The cruelty of this decision cannot be overstated—it is a calculated move to prioritize political ideology over the well-being of children.

Texas: Bureaucracy Over Humanity

In Texas, where one in five children faces food insecurity, Republican leaders rejected nearly $150 million in federal funds that would have supplemented nutrition assistance for 1.2 million children. The excuse? Administrative challenges. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) claims they lack the resources to implement the program, citing staffing shortages and logistical hurdles. However, this excuse rings hollow–the state had months to prepare yet chose to let the clock run out, leaving children hungry.

Celia Cole, CEO of Feeding Texas, put it bluntly: “When they lose out on those meals, we see hunger spike.” The state’s refusal to adopt Summer EBT is not just a bureaucratic failure; it’s a moral one. Texas' leaders have focused on maintaining a bloated, underfunded system over ensuring that children have access to basic nutrition. This decision is a clear abdication of responsibility that will exacerbate hunger in a state already struggling.

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Georgia: Politics Over People

In Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp’s refusal to accept tens of millions of dollars in federal aid to help feed nearly 1.2 million low-income children is nothing short of political malpractice. Despite facing widespread backlash, Kemp has stubbornly refused to change course, forcing nonprofits and local communities to fill the gap left by his administration’s cruelty.

Senator Jon Ossoff and members of Georgia’s Congressional delegation have pleaded with Kemp to reconsider, calling his refusal “needlessly putting children in jeopardy during the summer months.” Kemp’s office complained the program had too much “administrative expense.” Earlier this month, U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath, D-Marietta, said in a statement, “I’m enraged that Governor Kemp is choosing to disregard the needs of some of the most vulnerable families in Georgia. The state has to do better.”

Kemp’s indifference to the suffering of children reveals a disturbing trend: Republican leaders don't care about their state’s most vulnerable citizens.

Oklahoma: A Missed Opportunity

Oklahoma faces a critical child food insecurity crisis, with more than one in five children lacking adequate access to nutritious food. Yet Governor Kevin Stitt’s refusal to participate in the Summer EBT program in 2024 was another blatant example of Republican leadership failing its people. The state’s decision to forgo more than $48 million in federal aid is an unforgivable betrayal of Oklahoma’s children.

Governor Stitt’s excuse—that existing programs are sufficient—is laughable. Oklahoma has one of the lowest participation rates in summer food programs, and the current services fall woefully short of meeting the needs of hungry children. Instead of acknowledging the inadequacy of the state’s approach, Stitt chose to ignore the data and let ideology drive his decision-making.

Florida: Another Year of Cruelty

Florida’s refusal to participate in the Summer EBT program for the second year in a row, turning down more than $250 million in nutritional aid, is a continuation of Governor Ron DeSantis’ war on the poor. Sky Beard, director of No Kid Hungry Florida, lamented the state’s decision: “We’ve got one in five kids right now living in homes where that next meal is not a guarantee, and to pass up an opportunity like Sun Bucks is unfortunate.” 

DeSantis’ callous disregard for these children is a stark reminder that in Florida, cruelty has become policy.

Some Republican-led states Were Forced To Choose Compassion

Republican governors in several states initially refused to participate in the Summer EBT program but were ultimately forced to reverse their decisions due to pressure from their own legislatures. After Governor Jeff Landry initially declined the program in Louisiana, the Republican-led Legislature stepped in and allocated the necessary funding, forcing the state to opt in for 2024. Similarly, in Alabama, Governor Kay Ivey cited cost concerns as her reason for rejecting the program, but the state legislature overruled her by allocating funds to ensure participation in 2025. In Nebraska, Governor Jim Pillen was swayed after hearing firsthand from affected children, acknowledging, "We have to do better in Nebraska," and agreeing to implement the program after legislative pressure. 

The Bottom Line: Ideology Over Lives

Republican leaders have made a choice: bureaucracy over humanity and political grandstanding over the well-being of children. In doing so, they sent a clear message that the most vulnerable members of society are not worth the effort or the resources.

Hopefully, this cruelty will have consequences in November. As hunger spikes and families struggle to make ends meet, the GOP should be remembered for their deliberate indifference to the suffering of children. Participating in the Summer EBT program is not about politics but compassion, responsibility, and ensuring that no child goes hungry. Yet compassion seems to be in short supply for Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Florida.It’s time to stop hiding behind excuses and prioritize all Americans' well-being, starting with the most basic need—food.

Clay Cane is a SiriusXM radio host and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Grift: The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans From the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump.

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