Elephant Man Denies Rape Allegation

Elephant Man declares his innocence.

Breaking his silence for the first time since being accused of raping a woman in his home in Jamaica, dancehall star Elephant Man spoke to local news reporters yesterday outside his St. Andrews residence. Elephant Man, born O'Neil Bryan, denied the charges against him, which have been levied by an unnamed 31-year-old woman.

"I wanna let the fans know that Elephant Man would never let them down like that," he said in a local news interview posted by Mada Road. "Thanks and praises to the almighty God."

The singer, who was arrested on Monday and later released on bail, led an impromptu gathering of fans in a celebratory march around the neighborhood. Casting himself as the victim, he cautioned those listening to watch the company they keep.

"Just make sure that the people around you are real," he said. "Life's too precious...this is a lesson for me." is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.


(Photo: Bryan Bedder/Getty Images)

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