‘Tyler Perry’s Sistas’: The Gary Stabbing Suspect Is Still Up For Debate
At the end of last week’s episode of “Tyler Perry’s Sistas,” it seemed as if Penelope had confessed to killing Gary. However, she hadn’t. This episode starts with Jordan not accusing Penelope of stabbing Gary but instead asking her what happened. So, we’re back to square one regarding who did it.
The gist is that she probably did it, but she can’t remember much about that day. She was traumatized, emotional, and on medication, leaving her with little memory. Jordan asked if she remembered how he found her that night, assuring her he had her back no matter what. Hold that thought.
Meanwhile, Fatima is teaching Andi how to fistfight, resulting in the chaotic mess you would expect. Next, Zac overhears Hayden telling a friend that he found out Tamara was sleeping with his homeboy. That would be Gary, but Hayden never mentioned a name. Zac left before catching the rest of the conversation, where Hayden’s friend asked what he did to the “homeboy” when he found out. Hayden replied, “He didn’t say nothing, because I’m like that!”
We know darn well that Hayden ain’t like that. That man did not stab Gary, but nice try—unless you want to believe otherwise.
Let’s fast-forward a bit and head to the hospital. Hudson thinks Gary is faking the amnesia, as most of us do, and tells Gary he can relax around him. However, Gary doesn’t seem to remember Hudson either and tells him to leave his room.
Later on, Hudson talks to the doctor, who confirms that Gary has some form of amnesia and that it’s unclear what memories he will recover. Tamara happened to be nearby and overheard this information, all in the hallway, HIPAA laws be damned. She seemed exceptionally giddy about this news and stated, “So he won’t remember who stabbed him?” Then she leaves before actually seeing Gary, which makes her look guilty, but come on, it’s Penelope!
Back to Jordan and Penelope: we learn that Jordan went looking for her on the night of Andi and Gary’s wedding and found her dazed, incoherent, and with blood all over her hands. This revelation causes Penelope to freak out. To make matters worse, she receives a call from Agent Watt, telling her she’s wanted for questioning.
Hudson returns to Gary’s room and finds a nurse making up his empty bed. He asks if she knows where Gary Borders is, and she looks at her chart and says she doesn’t see any tests scheduled. But where the hell is Gary? How was he moved? Did he sneak out? But still, how?
Back to Jordan, Penelope, and Andi: Jordan is fixated on dragging Penelope to Andi’s house to ask if Andi can represent her when she is questioned by Agent Watt. Thankfully, Andi realizes how crazy that is. She’s a divorce lawyer, not a defense attorney; she’s also a suspect, and of course, there’s a conflict of interest atop another conflict of interest. Penelope is annoyed that Andi won’t do it, but Andi remains calm and says she can refer them to a friend who is already familiar with Gary’s mischief and would do it pro bono. Jordan wants to go that route, but Penelope, forever upset and irrational, asserts she will take her chances with Agent Watt alone and storms out of Andi’s apartment.
Finally, the episode ends with Gary, in his hospital gown, stumbling into Andi’s apartment via the elevator. Her last words before the episode ended summed it up for all of us: “What the hell!”
So, whose money is on Penelope stabbing Gary?