XXX: Five Signs That You Might Be Addicted to Porn

When your hobby morphs into a serious problem.

Almost all of us have watched pornography at least once in our lives — some of us, much more than that. And don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong dabbling here and there. Porn, when it depicts consensual sex, can be a healthy way to explore your fantasies, watch with your partner to spice things up, or to just get off.

But we can’t deny that given how accessible free porn has become in the internet age, porn watchers aren’t always consuming it in the healthiest of ways. Here are a few signs that your little hobby has morphed into a problem:

It’s all you do or want to do: Remember when you used to hang out with with your friends? Read a book, go to the gym and even go to work? But now, all you do is either watch porn in your free time, or watch porn when you should be at work or taking care of other responsibilities or think about watching porn. FYI: Porn should be a choice you make, not a force sucking you in.

You’re watching it at inappropriate places: We're not saying that you have to sit in a dark, closet to watch a porno, but if you’re losing impulse control and watching it on public transit, at work, at a bar or on a plane, that is a sign that this is becoming, if it hasn’t already, a serious compulsion.

Porn has replaced actual sex: Yes, we all go through dry spells, so porn can be a temporary replacement for the real thing, but if you’d rather watch porn that have sex with your partner, meet someone, or have meaningful relationships with others, this should be a red flag. 

The porn you watch continues to get more and more violent: Look, we’re not knocking anyone’s Fifty Shades of Gray hustle, but there is something to be said when the porn you’re watching continues to escalate in violence and degradation of the people in the films. It’s clear that you’re becoming more and more desensitized to it, which leads us to…

You’ve bought into the unrealistic expectations of porn: So much of what you see in these flicks are an act — that actress may not really like violent sex as much as she pretends she does. And yet, its influence can be jarring. So, if you’re pressuring your partner to engage in certain acts you’ve seen, mimic what porn stars do, or even encouraging your partner to change their body to fit into that standard, you really should take a step back. 

In the end, wanting peek at a little porn is not a huge deal, but when it begins to start to take over your life and ruin your relationships, at some point you have to admit this is more than just fun and games. 

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