Bobby V: 'We Only Care If a White Person Kills Blacks'

The singer adds to the dialogue about the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Bobby V has joined the national discussion regarding the tragic passingsof Philando Castile and Alton Sherling, both of whom died at the hands of police in the past 48 hours.

The singer has taken a stance on the matter, posting on Instagram and Twitter alike a series of his thoughts, sharing his strong opinion that “#blacklivesmatter but do we only care if a white person kills blacks?”

“What about us killing each other every day,” V continued, ending his post with a hashtag reading "#wakeup."

While he has deleted a handful of the posts, the ones that remain hold an important call to action while also balancing an emotional and harsh reality that calling for nonviolent action may be too much to ask.

“Let’s take a oath to not kill each other!” V wrote. “That’s the prob too much hate.. smh.”

Check out the singer’s posts below.

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