Twitter Is Ready To Cancel Chris Rock Over This Reported Rape Joke

Did the comedian cross the line?

Chris Rock reportedly upset a significant group of his fan base as he allegedly made comments joking about sexual harassment in one of his recent stand-up performances.

According to Page Six, during his performance at the Comedy Cellar, Rock explained that he refused to hire women because "they cry rape because they want money."

One patron who attended the gig spoke with the publication and added more context to the reports, saying that Rock joked that he would need a crew of witnesses surrounding him at all times to prevent him from falling victim to false rape allegations.

His comments didn't sit well with a few of his fans as another attendee added, "I've seen him before and he was hysterical, but this wasn't funny at all... Nobody was laughing. There were many boos and many women who were telling him he was a sexist pig. Two people got kicked out."

Things took another awkward turn when he switched topics, touching on the widespread Harvey Weinstein scandal, he added, "Weinstein f****d with me by trying to have me star in the worst movies of all time..."

Needless to say, Twitter wasn't here for his comments. Take a look at some of their reactions, below:

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