North Carolina Scales Back Its Anti-Transgender Bathroom Bill Partly to Cash in on Basketball Tournaments

People will believe the full repeal when they see it.

Last Thursday, North Carolina repealed its controversial HB2 bill, which forced transgender people to use the bathroom of their assigned gender.

Although the repeal will give transgender people the freedom to use the bathroom of their gender identity, the HB2 bill still denies them from being protected from discrimination. That's precisely why LGBT activists are demanding a full repeal of the atrocious bill.

“This new law does not repeal H.B. 2,” Chad Griffin, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement to The Washington Post. “Instead, it institutes a statewide prohibition on equality by banning nondiscrimination protections across North Carolina and fuels the flames of anti-transgender hate. Each and every lawmaker who supported this bill has betrayed the LGBTQ community.”

That and according to NBC Los Angeles, people weren't satisfied with the state's reportedly shady reason to roll back the proposed law to simply enable future NCAA Tournament basketball games to be hosted there in an attempt to make money.

Last year, the NCAA relocated its championships scheduled in North Carolina due to its HB2. Last week, the NCAA threatened the state over more championships not being held there from 2018-2022. The NBA also yanked its 2017 All-Star game from Charlotte because of the same proposed law.

Many critics believe that North Carolina announced its repeal of the bathroom part of the HB2 only to secure the millions that would come in hosting such hoop tournaments and that their reason wasn't genuine at all. And that would explain why the repealed bill still includes discriminations against the LGBT community.

That being said, here are several ways that people blasted North Carolina upon learning about their partial repeal.

  • The ACLU Called It A 'Fake' Repeal

    Make sure your voice is heard.

  • The Same Union Scoffed At The Repeal Being Made About Financial Reasons And Not Humanity

    Talk to 'em and make sure they understand.

  • People Saw Straight Through The 'Fake' Repeal

    Stand your ground, NCAA. Don't let North Carolina host championship games at all.

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  • The first publicly gay player to be drafted to the NFL, Michael Sam, weighed in

    We couldn't agree with him more.

  • So, North Carolina Repealed The Bathroom Part of the Bill and Replaced It with more LGBT discrimination?


  • The Bottom Line is People aren't going to accept anything less than a Full Repeal

    Full repeal and nothing less.

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