Go Off! Inspiring Video Of Don Lemon Eviscerating Trump’s Disgusting ‘Dumb’ Racist Tactics

"Referring to African-Americans as dumb is one of the oldest canards of racism in this country.... This president is fueled by bullying."

After the president attacked CNN host Don Lemon and NBA MVP LeBron James by questioning their intelligence, Lemon fired back with an inspiring 10-minute monologue.

It all began on Friday when Trump criticized James and Lemon’s conversation on CNN about the basketball player’s free school for at-risk youth in Akron, Ohio. During the chat, LeBron said that Trump is using sports to divide the country, and Trump then tweeted, “Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!”

On Monday night’s broadcast of CNN Tonight, Lemon spoke directly to the camera and said Trump is exhibiting “one of the oldest canards of America’s racist past and present – that Black people are of inferior intelligence.”

  • Lemon spoke in depth about how the president is using racism to gain notoriety among his base

    “Let me not mince words here,” Lemon said on CNN Tonight. “This president traffics in racism and is fueled by bullying.”

    “From keeping children at the border in cages to bullying journalists at every one of his rallies and every chance he gets,” Lemon added.

    “President Trump is trying a divide-and-conquer strategy and here is how it goes. He divides by race and tries to conquer decency by smearing and besmirching the truth and the people who fight to uphold it.”

  • Lemon's scathing critique of the president was applauded by many people on Twitter

  • Many believe Trump's racist ideology comes from the jealously he has that there are Black men who are smarter, more liked, and more successful than he

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