This College Got Dragged For Not Suspending A White Student For Saying 'F**k N*****s' On Twitter

Jillian Kirk reportedly often tweeted racist and offensive language.

Michigan State University is taking heat for refusing to take disciplinary action against a white female student who repeatedly used the n-word on Twitter and in person.

Screenshots of sophomore Jillian Kirk’s Twitter page, which has since been deleted, show that her timeline was filled with racism.

In one tweet, Kirk reportedly said, “GOD BLESS AMERICA, F**K THE BLACKS!”

Kirk also once wrote, “F**k n*****s I’m so over it,” according to The Tab.

Attention was brought to Kirk’s disgusting tweet when freshman Miyanna Fowlkes shared screen shots on Tuesday from Kirk’s page.

“Let’s play a game… it’s called ‘How many retweets does this girl need before MSU kicks her out,’” Fowlkes tweeted.

  • After Fowlkes’ tweet went viral, officials with the university issued a statement on Wednesday that said while they don’t “condone racial harassment or bullying,” they “do not get to control what every member of [their] community says.”

  • MSU's inaction was met by tough criticism

    On Thursday, Kirk responded by saying she “apologizes for the inappropriate social media posts I made,” according to The Tab.

  • Despite MSU's decision not to discipline Kirk, Fowlkes urged people not to let up

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