Colin Kaepernick Is Calling Michael Bennett's Excessive Force Incident 'Disgusting And Unjust'

Meanwhile, the Seahawks' defensive end had to emotionally end his press conference yesterday.

Michael Bennett has publicly backed Colin Kaepernick's stance, announcing that he, too, will sit during the national anthem before every game this entire 2017 NFL season.

So, yesterday, when the Seattle Seahawks' star defensive end revealed his disturbing August 26 excessive force incident, in which Las Vegas police threatened to blow his "f****** head off," Kaepernick had Bennett's back as well.

The free-agent quarterback, who continues to be jobless for his 2016 anthem protest to combat racism and police brutality against unarmed Black men, immediately tweeted about the "disgusting" and "unjust" situation that Las Vegas police wrongfully put Bennett through when the NFL vet was completely innocent.

He also pointed out the hypocrisy of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell releasing a statement about Bennett, but failing to realize that the Seahawks' defensive end is attempting to raise the same issues as Kaepernick.

Check out how Kaep sprang to action for Bennett as well as the Seahawks' star's emotional reaction to the incident, and more, below.

  1. Kaepernick saw the severe injustice that Las Vegas Police put Bennett through and spoke on it

    Talk to 'em, Kaep! We stand with Michael as well.

  2. Kaepernick also re-tweeted TMZ's footage of the incident and demanded that the cops involved be held responsible

    We couldn't agree more.

  3. Meanwhile, the Las Vegas Metro Police Department held a press conference yesterday and denied any racial profiling of Bennett

    LVMPD Undersheriff Kevin McMahill said an internal investigation has started, but added that, "I see no evidence that race played any role in this incident," as reported by TMZ Sports. Well, Bennett is considering a civil rights lawsuit, so the LVMPD may have to prove that.

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  5. Yesterday Bennett Became emotional while discussing the disturbing incident with the media

    The veteran NFL player called the incident a "traumatic experience," adding, "it sucks that the country that we live in now sometimes you get profiled for the color of your skin," as reported by TMZ Sports. But he had to emotionally end the press conference when talking about his daughters.

  6. Kaepernick also made sure to re-tweet about the hypocrisy of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell being concerned about Bennett's welfare, but not the QB

    So, Commissioner Goodell wants to "support" Bennett and NFL players in "promoting mutual respect between law enforcement and the communities they loyally serve and fair and equal treatment under law?" Just not when it comes to Kaepernick, right? The issues that Bennett and Kaepernick are raising are one in the same.

    On FS1's First Things First this morning, Goodell did say that he wants to see Kaepernick get a shot to play QB in the NFL again and added that he's "still convinced" that the quarterback will get that opportunity, but his statement about Bennett proves that he doesn't fully understand Kaep and the issues he's raising.

    What's your take?

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