Starting Early? Shamari DeVoe Subtly Shades Cynthia Bailey For Criticizing Her 'Dated' Wardrobe

The "Real Housewives of Atlanta" newbie has quickly learned the name of the game.

Real Housewives of Atlanta's newest cast member, Shamari DeVoe, is speaking out about her official reality TV debut in a new blog post, and, in doing so, she shared a particular detail that peeved her about castmate Cynthia Bailey.

DeVoe, who didn't receive the warmest welcome from RHOA die-hards, started out her blog post by stating that her first episode on the series was filled with "nothing but positive vibes."

"I have to say that my first impression of the ladies was, 'OK! Boss girls coming out to support another boss girl!'" she said. "I was really happy that they all took time out of their busy evening to come to support my Blaque performance at ATL Live on the Park."

While her overall consensus of the group was mostly approving, DeVoe did share that she didn't appreciate RHOA OG Cynthia Bailey's jab at her performance outfit.

"I did side-eye Cynthia's comment about Blaque's look and hair being 'dated' when everyone knows that '90s looks are coming back, full circle," she added. "I think she should respect Blaque's 'dated' look just like we respect her 'veteran walk.'"

Fans of the show are definitely in for a treat for season 11.

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