Group of Hells Angels Indicted In Attack On Three Black Men In San Diego

Troy Andrew Scholder who was identified as the Hells Angels leader allegedly stabbed one of the victims in the chest.

Seventeen members of the Hells Angels biker gang entered not guilty pleas to several charges after they were accused of attacking three Black men, the Associated Press reports.

According to the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, the victims who were attacked were the ages of 19, 20, and 21. They accused members of the biker gang of chasing and attacking them in San Diego’s Ocean Beach neighborhood in June 2023. They also said the biker gang yelled racial slurs at them and told them “they didn’t belong there.”

The attack took place after one of the victims allegedly spoke to one of the biker’s girlfriends.

District Attorney Summer Stephan said that she plans to prosecute the suspect to the fullest extent of the law in a statement.

“In San Diego County, we cannot, and will not tolerate violence and racism of any nature, much less crimes like this hateful, vicious, and unprovoked attack,” Stephan said.

During the alleged assault, one escaped injury on foot, another was sucker-punched, and kicked until he was unconscious, and the third was stabbed in the chest by the leader of the gang after being brutally beaten by other bikers on the scene.

Stephan said that the third victim suffered from a “gaping wound” that left his lungs exposed.

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“It is absolutely a miracle that he’s alive,” Stephan told the court.

Stephan also noted that while there were plenty of witnesses to the attack, “none of them intervened because of the fear and terror that the Hells Angels instill in our community.”

For the involvement in the incident, a grand jury indicted 14 people for allegedly being a part of a street gang that committed criminal acts, and 11 of the defenders were charged with hate crimes.

The San Diego-Union Tribune reports that Troy Andrew Scholder has been identified as the Hells Angels leader who allegedly stabbed the third victim. He’s charged with premeditated attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon in connection with the stabbing. If convicted, he could face 39 years to life in prison.

Scholder was ordered to remain in custody without bail.

Additionally, the grand jury charged three of the defendants being accessories to the crime for allegedly helping the leader escape with scene of the incident.

Another one of the defendants was identified as a Navy sailor, Deputy District Attorney Miriam Hemming said. The suspect donned his uniform during the hearing on Monday.

The trial for 17 defendants is set for Nov. 14.

If convicted of the charges, the defendants could face a range of three to 17 years in prison.

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