Florida Woman Arrested In Ajike Owens' Death Charged With Manslaughter

The victim’s family wanted a murder charge in the fatal shooting of the Black mother.

The White woman arrested for firing a gunshot through her locked front door that killed a Black mom in Florida was formally charged Monday (June 26) with manslaughter, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

This case has sparked outrage from the family and supporters of Ajike Owens, the 35-year-old mother of four.

It took several days for the police to arrest Susan Lorincz, 58, who claimed self-defense for fatally shooting her neighbor. Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods previously said he couldn’t make an immediate arrest because of Florida’s stand your ground law, which requires law enforcement to prove that a suspected shooter didn’t act in self-defense.

Ajike Owens: What We Know So Far About The Unarmed Black Florida Mom Fatally Shot By Her White Neighbor

Attorneys representing Owens’ family didn’t immediately respond to news of the charges. But the Sentinel reports that their lawyer Anthony Thomas criticized the initial manslaughter charge against Lorincz at her June 9 bail hearing. Owens’ supporters wanted Lorincz charged with second-degree murder.

“She meant to point that gun at the door, she knew who was standing on the [other] side of that door and she also knew that she didn’t have any sort of threat on her life when she pulled that trigger,” Thomas said at the time.

In a statement, Marion County State Attorney Bill Gladson defended his decision to file manslaughter charges instead of murder charges against Lorincz. He said there is “insufficient evidence” for a second-degree murder charge, which requires “evidence of hatred, spite, ill will or evil intent” against Owens.

“Understandably, emotions run high, particularly with senseless, violent crimes. However, I cannot allow any decision to be influenced by public sentiment, angry phone calls or further threats of violence, as I have received in this case. To allow that to happen would also be improper and a violation of my oath as a prosecutor and as a lawyer,” Gladson said, according to the Sentinel.

However activists were angered by the decision and demanded federal intervention. Upon learning of the prosecution choosing to file manslaughter charges, Rev. Al Sharpton said that the U.S. Department of Justice should get involved.

Investigators said Lorincz had argued with two of Owens’ children who were playing on June 2 in a field close to her home, which a neighbor overheard. Lorincz threw a roller skate at Owens’ 10-year-old son that struck his toe. That child and his 12-year-old brother went to speak with Lorincz, but she swung an umbrella at them.

The children then went home and told Owens what happened, the sheriff’s office said. Owens walked over to Lorincz’s home, knocked on the door multiple times, and demanded that she come outside. That’s when Lorincz fired a single shot through the door. The bullet struck Owens, who was standing outside with her 10-year-old son, in the upper chest. Lorincz admitted to law enforcement that she would call Owens’ children racial slurs in anger.

Lorincz faces up to 30 years in prison if convicted of manslaughter and another charge of assault for shooting Owens.

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