10 Things You’ll Learn From Michelle Obama’s ‘Becoming’ Netflix Documentary

Warning, there are spoilers involved, but they''re totally worth it.

Full disclosure, even though I love the ground that Michelle Obama walks on and I am fully committed to the idea that she is my Forever FLOTUS, I haven’t yet read my copy of her New York Times best selling memoir, Becoming. Nor was I able to buy a ticket for one of the 34 stops she made while on her national press tour for the book.

RELATED: 10 Ways Michelle Obama Continues To Make Us Proud Since Leaving The White House

I know, I know… my Black Girl card may be up for careful review. But since she and the wise folks at Netflix were kind enough to come together and deliver Becoming as an intimate documentary chronicling the tour, I figured I might as well start catching up on all my Michelle Obama glory. Also, in case there’s a pop quiz during a frequent Zoom check-in session with my girls. And trust, it did not disappoint. 

Here are the top 10 things I just learned about our former First Lady that makes me want to wade in the waters of what I now know were the good old days.

  1. She's ONE in a Billion

    When life is interupted, it's not about getting back on track. It's about starting a new one. This is one of the biggest lessons you'll learn watching Becoming. And, like so many First Ladies before her, I assumed that once the Obamas left the White House, Michelle would regain some of the normalcy she left behind and eventually fade out of the public eye. But it’s clear from the series that was never her plan. She is not looking back. She’s reclaiming her time and has “ another chapter” and a new normal envisioned for herself.


  2. Sibling Rivalry Is Forever

    Michelle and her older brother, Craig Robinson are hilarious together. They love each other to pieces, but he still still teases her about her clothes and gets on her nerves with his sly comments. And like, younger siblings everywhere, "Miche" (as he calls her) still insists that their mother, Marion Robinson, loves him “the best” despite mom's loving assertions otherwise.

  3. Always A Class Act

    If you weren’t sure before, allow me to confirm- Michelle Obama is a class act. There is not one person involved in the book tour — from facility workers at the convention centers and arenas to celebrities who served as hosts—that when she saw them, she didn’t acknowledge and say thank you.


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  5. She Felt Trapped As FLOTUS

    Michelle has been very honest about how censored and restricted her voice and movements were throughout the duration of her time in the White House.  Turns out, that on the night of the passage of the Marriage Equality Law, she and Malia tried to sneak outside to enjoy the celebration with those gathered in front of the White House.  And unbeknowest to them, there was no way to leave the premises since the front door was actually locked. Instead, she had to ask to be escorted through a side exit.

    “I was literally shaking (the door) … So I turn around and I start saying, I just want to get outside, just help me get outside."


  6. Her Parents Were About That Life

    The former "mom-in-chief" has always been candid about the fact that her parents expected no less than excellence from their children at all times. It is evidenced by the fact that both she and her brother, Craig attended the prestigious Ivy League Princeton University and enjoyed successful careers there after. But for the first time, Michelle let is slip that she “would get spankings if she was too (out of pocket)" because Mama Robinson is “still a Black mom.”

  7. She's Still Daddy's Girl

    Losing a parent is a universally painful experience. It’s clear that from the sadness on her face and the slight tremor in her voice whenever he’s mentioned or she recounts memories from growing up with her dad.  It’s an especially poignant moment when she describes her dad returning home at the end of the workday, “Like God returning to home.” 


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  9. Her Circle Is Tight

    One of the cool aspects of the documentary is that we are introduced to the members of her inner circle who pull the strings behind the curtain. For the first time, we meet her personal Secret Service Officer, Agent Allen, who she describes as “more like a brother than an agent." He's been the same agent assigned the no-fail mission of keeping her safe since 2008. 


  10. Her Girls Are Her Biggest Fans

    Michelle has always been vigilant about keeping her girls out of the spotlight so they could enjoy a relatively grounded childhood. This is the first time that we’ve heard directly from Malia and Sacha about how proud they are of their mom and how happy they are that she is able to be her best self sans the restrictions of life in the White House.

  11. The Book Tour Was Everything

    No one was surprised when Michelle announced her book tour.  After all, it’s what all authors do when they want to drive up sales.  But for Michelle this tour was more about community. She describes it as a way to connect and “share a set of experiences” with people. Which is why in addition to the more high-ticket appearances, in each city she also did intimate, less publicized meet and greets with students of all ages, senior citizens and book clubs.

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  13. From Strong Black Woman To Certified Rockstar

    Before Michelle Obama stepped foot onto her husband's historic campaign trail towards the White House she epitomized the ideals of Black Girl Magic. She was brilliant, well put together, progressive and real. But, let's be clear, after all those years on the front lines, she is officially a Badass. And like the Rolling Stones, she says she intends to “be the little old lady that you indulge” and rock on as long as she can.


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