Tami Roman Makes Her Own PETA Ad
Is Tami Roman fur real? The Basketball Wives star isn't waiting for a call from PETA to star in one of those provocative "I'd rather go naked" ads. Roman stripped down to nothing but her jewels for a recent photo with the popular PETA tag line, leaving many thinking she had been tapped by the celeb-favorite organization to star in one of their campaigns (past PETA nude models include Nia Long, Khloe Kardashian and Taraji P. Henson).
That's until you read the fine print. A disclaimer at the bottom of the image reads:
“Even though this ad was not done in affiliation with PETA, I hope to have the opportunity to work with them to further the cause of animal rights in the future.”
So, is Tami really trying to save the chinchillas, or is this a publicity stunt to crash PETA's A-list circle?
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(Photo: Courtesy tamiroman.com)