Former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Appointed To New White House Role

Bottoms is ‘a visionary leader,’ the White House says of Biden’s former senior advisor.

Former Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms was appointed to the President’s Export Council, the White House announced July 14.

The council serves as the president’s primary advisory committee on international trade, promotes export expansion and provides a forum for discussing and resolving trade-related problems among the business, industrial, agricultural, labor, and government sectors.

Bottoms tweeted her reaction to the new appointment.

Bottoms’ new post comes five months after she stepped down as a senior advisor to President Joe Biden. The White House’s announcement called Bottoms “a visionary leader” who transformed the Office of Public Engagement and crafted “effective engagement strategies” with various stakeholders for the Biden administration.

Keisha Lance Bottoms Leaves White House Office Of Public Engagement Position

She served as Atlanta mayor from 2018 to 2021 and joined the Biden administration in June 2022, replacing former Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond. In her new role on the Export Council, Bottoms succeeds Richmond once again, according to Atlanta station WSB.

Former Columbia, S.C., Mayor Stephen Benjamin replaced Bottoms as Biden’s senior adviser and director of the Office of Public Engagement.

Bottoms, an early supporter of Biden’s 2020 presidential bid, was on Biden’s short list for vice president and was offered a cabinet position.

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