Terrelle Pryor Remains in Supplemental Draft Limbo

Pryor is still waiting for a meeting with commissioner Roger Goodell, though the NFL supplemental draft is slated for Wednesday.

The NFL’s supplemental draft is on Wednesday and former Ohio State Buckeyes quarterback Terrelle Pryor still hasn’t heard anything definitive about his eligibility.


With what NFL teams would have to sacrifice — a draft place in 2012 equivalent to where they would take Pryor this summer — and the millions of dollars at stake, it doesn’t look good for Pryor. Although teams are interested in Pryor, they haven’t been given ample time to see him work out and evaluate his ability as an NFL quarterback.


Still, Pryor’s representatives remain optimistic that he will gain his eligibility before Wednesday.


"We have been in discussions with the Commissioner's office over the past week to address the NFL's concerns," attorney David Cornwell wrote in an email to ESPN on Sunday. "I am confident that once the NFL has a full understanding of the facts, Terrelle will be part of Wednesday's supplemental draft."


If Pryor isn’t granted eligibility for the supplemental draft, he will have to wait until next April’s 2012 NFL Draft. Pryor hopes to soon gain a meeting with commissioner Roger Goodell in order to get into the supplemental draft, according to the ESPN report.


Pryor’s immediate future seems to hinge on the interpretation of whether or not his circumstances changed drastically after April’s NFL Draft. It appears that they did. Pryor was already facing a five-game suspension this season with Ohio State after trading memorabilia for tattoos. But since then, more evidence has been revealed that Pryor was receiving illegal payments from a street agent which would have ended his collegiate eligibility.


When Pryor announced in June he was leaving school and seeking entry into the NFL this year via the supplemental draft, no decision had been made on his college eligibility. Ohio State, of course, has since ruled Pryor ineligible and banned him from the athletic facilities.


Making things even more difficult is the fact there is still a great deal of uncertainty about whether or not Pryor has the skill set to be an NFL quarterback. He was primarily known for his running ability at Ohio State though his passing did improve each season.


Contact Terrance Harris at or follow him on Twitter @Terranceharris

(Photo: Jared Wickerham/Getty Images)

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