Octavia Spencer Wins Nearly $1 Million in Weight Loss Lawsuit

Oscar winner claims Sensa Products wrongfully terminated contract.

Octavia Spencer has won her case against a weight-loss company over an endorsement deal gone wrong. Spencer sued Sensa Products in August, claiming the company wrongfully terminated her and ended its endorsement deal with her over the use of the hashtag “#spon,” for “sponsored,” on tweets promoting the company’s product.

Spencer’s actions resulted in Sensa being unhappy with the result of the endorsement campaign. Spencer mentioned in the suit that Sensa blamed the “#spon” hashtag for the ineffectiveness of the campaign.

The lawsuit goes on to state that it wasn’t in Spencer’s contract to not use the hashtag or get her tweets pre-approved. Spencer claimed she did more on her part to honor the deal by permitting Sensa to use before-and-after photos of her and advertisements in tabloids despite her reluctance. In addition, Spencer said she had lost the 20 pounds that she was required to lose as part of the deal.

“This was always about principle for our client, Ms. Spencer. She was taken advantage of by a company that is no stranger to misrepresentations,” Spencer’s attorney Bryan Freedman told The Hollywood Reporter. “I am very proud of Octavia’s will to fight.”

Despite her efforts, the lawsuit revealed that Sensa ended its deal with Spencer on August 6 without paying her the $700,000 it still owed her.
As for Sensa, the company ended up becoming insolvent last month after losing their legal counsel. City News Service reports there was no lawyer from Sensa Products present in court last week when a judge granted the actress a default judgment. As a result, the judge ordered the company to pay Spencer $940,000.
Unfortunately, given Sensa’s current financial state, Spencer might have to just consider this a moral victory as it's unlikely she will see any of the money from the court ruling.
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(Photo: Keene/Splash News)

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