Tyrese Gibson Kicked Out of Radio Station

The actor/singer takes stand against liquor stores near schools and gets the boot during an interview.


Sometimes speaking out for what you believe in has consequences, just ask Tyrese Gibson.


TMZ is reporting that the Transformer star was booted out of a Delaware radio station during an interview, just because he spoke out about liquor stores neighboring local elementary schools.


Everything was fine while Gibson was promoting his new album, Open Invitation, and new music video for the song, "Stay," at Delaware’s KISS 101.7 station, but when the conversation switched to a topic which angered the 32-year old singer, that’s when things went south fast.


“I’m talking about my album, talking about my video whatever. Then I went on about how alcohol and liquor stores are across [the streets] from schools [in Delaware]. I was speaking on about this while I was on the air and I really went on and on and on about it,” Gibson told TMZ’s Harvey Levin.


But apparently Gibson’s anti-liquor store rant thoroughly pissed off the KISS 101.7 program director. First the PD cursed out the station’s on-air personality who interviewed Tyrese and then he later kicked the Fast Five star off the air and out of the building.


“So then I’m like it’s all good, I’m almost done. Just let me go in and wrap this up [my interview] and I’m gonna roll out,” Gibson said. “But then [the on air personality] was like, ‘Actually man, he [the PD] told me you can’t get back on the air.'  I said, ‘What do you mean?’ And he said, ‘You gotta leave man, you can’t be here no more.’ They kicked me out of the station.”


Gibson later tweeted about the incident and informed his followers that the radio station erased the portion of the interview which featured him talking against liquor stores setting up shop near schools.


It’s okay, we hear you. Keep up the good fight, Tyrese.

(Photo: Jason Smith/GettyImages)

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