Chris Brown and Big Sean Cover XXL

The music stars split the December/January issue of the hip hop mag.

Chris Brown and Big Sean are front and center on twin covers of the new issue of XXL. The controversial pop star and prince of the G.O.O.D. Music empire are promising "No more apologies" and "Living the good life" in their respective cover lines. In the Brown story, which he wrote himself, the 23-year-old says he's done some growing up in recent years.
"I haven't been as mature and thought out in the past, so, me growing now, it’s showing my progression," he said. "I used to use my Twitter account to vent, but now I mostly use it for marketing and promotions. Even if the media asks me something, if it's cool then it's, 'What’s up?' But if it’s anything that's too negative, I don’t care to respond."
The comments are interesting in light of the fact that Brown recently deleted his Twitter account after leveling a series of particularly harsh and vulgar insults at a female comedian who criticized him.
In Big Sean's story, the sophomore rapper from Detroit explains how his hometown shaped him into the artist that he is.
"I took all my experiences from Detroit and incorporated them into who I am today. From partying to inspiration to sharing times about being broke to love to the dope boys, paper chasers. I would see all the players rocking furs and gators. I’ve seen people get killed. I’ve seen people spend crazy money. I’ve seen poor people. I give every aspect of the city in my music. They need somebody to tell that story," he says.
Check out both stories when the December/January issue of XXL hits stands Dec. 4. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

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(Photo: XXL Magazine)

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