The Black Student Guide on Surviving The Freshman Year of College

Being a Black student on campus isn't always easy. Here are ten tips to help you adjust to college.

Starting your freshman year of college is a significant milestone filled with excitement, opportunities, and challenges. For Black students, navigating this new environment may come with additional layers of complexity, from finding community to addressing cultural and social dynamics. Here are ten tips to help you thrive during your freshman year.

1. Find Your Community Early

Maca and Naca

Finding a supportive community is one of the best ways to navigate your freshman year. Look for student organizations, cultural clubs, or affinity groups that resonate with your interests and identity. These groups can provide a sense of belonging and support, especially at a predominantly white institution (PWI) or even at an HBCU where you want to connect with like-minded peers.

2. Get to Know Your Professors

Klaus Vedfelt

Building relationships with your professors can greatly enhance your college experience. Attend office hours, ask questions, and engage in class. Professors can offer guidance and mentorship and potentially provide opportunities for research or internships. Building a rapport early on can also help you feel more connected to your academic community.

3. Take Advantage of Campus Resources

SDI Productions

Most colleges offer a variety of resources designed to help you succeed, including tutoring centers, writing labs, mental health services, and academic advising. Don’t hesitate to use these resources—they’re there to support you. Some schools also have offices specifically for multicultural affairs or diversity and inclusion, which can be particularly helpful.

4. Manage Your Time Wisely

MoMo Productions

Time management is crucial for balancing academics, social life, and self-care. Use a planner or digital calendar to keep track of assignments, exams, and social events. Establish a routine that includes dedicated study time, breaks, and personal time. Learning to prioritize your tasks early on will help you avoid stress and burnout.

5. Stay Connected to Your Roots


While college is a time to explore new ideas and experiences, staying connected to your roots and culture can provide comfort and stability. This might include joining cultural clubs, attending events that celebrate your heritage, or even something as simple as calling home regularly. Staying connected to your identity can be a grounding force.

6. Be Open to New Experiences

Frazao Studio Latino

College is a time for growth and exploration. Be open to meeting people from different backgrounds, trying new activities, and stepping out of your comfort zone. This openness can lead to personal growth, new friendships, and a broader perspective on life.

7. Advocate for Yourself


If you encounter any form of discrimination or microaggressions, it’s important to know that you have the right to speak up and seek support. Familiarize yourself with your school’s policies on diversity and inclusion and don’t hesitate to reach out to campus support services if you need assistance. Advocating for yourself and others is key to creating a positive campus environment.

8. Prioritize Your Mental and Physical Health

SDI Productions

Your well-being is paramount. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat balanced meals, exercise regularly, and seek support when needed. Many colleges offer free or low-cost counseling services, which can be a valuable resource for managing stress and maintaining mental health. Remember that it's okay to ask for help.

9. Network with Upperclassmen and Alumni


Connecting with upperclassmen and alumni can provide invaluable insights into college life, courses, and career paths. They can share their experiences, offer advice, and even become mentors. Joining student organizations, attending networking events, and using platforms like LinkedIn can help you build these connections.

10. Remember Your Purpose

Igor Alecsander

College can be overwhelming, and there will be moments when you feel challenged or uncertain. In those times, remind yourself why you’re there—whether it's to gain knowledge, achieve personal growth, or prepare for a future career. Keeping your goals in mind can motivate you to push through tough times and stay focused on your path.

Your freshman year of college is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for learning and growth. By finding your community, managing your time, and taking care of your well-being, you’ll set a strong foundation for your college experience. Embrace this time, stay true to yourself, and make the most of every moment.

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