'I Think Trump Is Disgusting' – Hundreds of Furious Americans Sign Up for RoomForRefugees.Com to Combat Trump's Executive Order

Airbnb has also offered free housing to anyone denied entry to the United States.

As a result of the refugee ban enacted by President Trump over the weekend, several hundred American families have registered for a British housing service that allows individuals to offer spare rooms to displaced refugees. 

According to Buzzfeed News, nearly 300 U.S. families registered on the website after Trump’s executive order.

The site is run by the Glasgow charity Positive Action in Housing, and has provided over 25,000 nights of accommodation to refugees in Britain. Although American families have registered on the site, it should be known that the charity does not yet work in America. 

  • Several Americans told Buzzfeed why they felt compelled to visit the site

    Lacy from Oregon wrote: “With Trump’s election, and so much hatred aimed towards refugees, I find that I cannot bear it in my conscience to stand idly by.

    “The quote on the Statue of Liberty (“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”) brings tears to my eyes because our country has changed so much, and not for the better. I want to LIVE the change that I want to see in the world, and if offering my couch for a refugee helps, then I feel that I must do so.”

  • Due to the 1,800 people from the U.S. have now registered with the site, the charity is quickly trying to find a U.S. partner so American families can participate

    Justina, a salon owner from Florida, wrote: “I think Trump is disgusting and he is going to destroy our country with his anti-immigration laws. My entire family emigrated here from Italy and it makes me sick what he is trying to do…

    “I’ve read stories about what the Syrian people are going through just to seek asylum and it is so horrible. I want to provide a safe place where someone can escape and feel loved.”

  • Additionally, the CEO of Airbnb announced that the home sharing service will provide free rooms to anyone denied entry to the U.S.

    Brian Chesky, the co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, tweeted that the company will give free housing to refugees and any others not allowed into the United States as a result of Trump's executive order.

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