'It Would Be Wonderful to See a Hundred More Versions of Tales’ 'F**k tha Police' Cutting Across Race and Class and Gender and Sexuality.'
After Tales premiered on June 27, 2017, major publication Variety weighed in on how it felt about the first episode. “'F**k the Police' is surprisingly effective, noting how pervasive the structure of racial oppression is by how carefully it works to make its conceit credible," writer Sonia Saraiya states.
It seems that the racial flip seen in the inaugural episode has sparked much talk and caught the attention of viewers far and wide. Taking its cue from the lyrics of N.W.A's "F**k tha Police," the premiere placed viewers inside of a world we're accustomed to, but with very different rules. Saraiya noted that the N.W.A. track's "trenchant lyrics about police brutality are as unsettlingly relevant today as they were in 1988." Touching on a multitude of issues that African-Americans face in this country today, the episode turns these issues and norms on their head.