Justin Bieber Police Report Reveals Inaccuracies

The Biebs may not have been drunk during DUI bust.

Authorities may not have been telling the whole truth in Justin Bieber's Miami DUI bust, according to TMZ

Sources told the website that Bieber's blood-alcohol level was actually .014 instead of 0.04, which was originally reported. The difference in decimals changes how the story went down, and may play into allegations that authorities lied about the details. 

The legal intoxication limit is .08, and in the state of Florida, anyone under the age of 21 with a BAC of .02 or higher is "subject to an automatic six-month" license suspension. 

In the police report, the arresting officer claims to have "immediately smelled an odor of alcohol" on the 19-year-old singer's breath. The statement of course conflicts with the actual amount of alcohol in Bieber's system, which would not have been enough to give off a strong odor.

Futhermore, The Biebs is said to have denied being drunk, yet authorities say he "made statements" about drinking, and taking prescription drugs, and smoking weed. He also failed a field sobriety test. 

Once behind bars, another cop claimed to have smelled "an alc bev on his breath."

It is unclear if reports of pills and marijuana were also inaccurate.

Bieber was sprung from jail within hours of his arrest, and didn't look too shook up to be behind bars. Besides the huge grin he sported in his mug shot (and despite the alleged tears he shed in his cell), once he got out, the youngster jumped on top of his SUV and waved to fans.

While JB isn't speaking, his father, Jeremy Bieber (who was with him when he was arrested), tweeted today, "I can protect my kids, but I can't protect them from you and your lies. Believe in the truth not in the lies of the enemy. #reallife." is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.   

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(Photo: AP Photo/Miami Dade County Jail)

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