Video Of George W. Bush Giving Michelle Obama Candy At His Dad’s Funeral Is Melting Hearts

The former president went viral in the past for discreetly handing her old White House cough drops at McCain's funeral.

During the funeral for his father, former President George W. Bush reprised the infamous candy hand-off with Michelle Obama. 

Upon entering the church, George and his wife, Laura, walked down the pews and greeted the former presidents and first ladies. After giving a quick handshake to Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama, Bush moved on to his bff Michelle.

  • Instead of giving her the same greeting as he gave the others, he reached into his pocket and handed her a piece of candy

  • At the memorial service for John McCain, Bush pulled a similar move

    During an appearance on The Today Show, Michelle explained, “President Bush and I, we are forever seat mates because of protocol, that’s how we sit at all the official functions, so he is my partner in crime at every major thing where all the formers gather."

    She then went on to explain how her newfound friend presented her with an old White House cough drop that still had the presidential seal on the wrapper.

    "And it was a simple gesture. He was getting a cough drop from Laura, and I looked over, and I said, 'Hand me a cough drop.' And he was like, 'Oh, OK.' And I will add that they were old cough drops. That’s the funny thing."

  • The adorable moment between Bush and Obama solidified their spot as best bi-partisan buddies

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