Stalker Threatens to Kill Michael Strahan

Man with knife was arrested outside of ABC studios.

'Tis the season of celebrity stalkers. Days after a man was sentenced to court-ordered psychotherapy for breaking into Sanaa Lathan's house and calling himself her husband, Michael Strahan is the latest star to deal with a too-crazy fan.
A deranged homeless man told police he wanted to kill the Good Morning America host after he was arrested with a knife outside outside ABC Studios Tuesday morning, police sources told the New York Post.

Andre Johnson, 25, pulled out a knife on a security guard outside the Good Morning America studio where Strahan works on Tuesday morning, according to the sources. A police officer working security detail for ABC Studios quickly intervened and knocked the weapon from Johnson’s hand.

When the maniac was questioned by police he said, “I was there to kill Michael Strahan,” according to police sources.

Thankfully, the former NFL star was not in any immediate danger and was not even made aware of the incident until later in the afternoon, well after the stalker was arrested, a source said.

An ABC News spokesperson said the suspect was “heroically tackled” by the officer and the incident was resolved immediately. “It was a scary situation but thanks to the fast actions of NYPD the situation was quickly under control."
Strahan and Lathan aren't the only stars who have had fans get a little too close for comfort. Wendy Williams was the victim of stalking recently, with a man even managing to break into her New York City studio. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.
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 (Photo: Robin Marchant/Getty Images)

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