City Girls' JT Just Revealed This Hilarious Gripe About Her Prison Days...

“The Feds have us in there listening to Kidz Bop clean version!!!”

JT is finally home after serving time for credit card fraud, and she is ready to get back in the mix. The 26-year-old began serving out her jail sentence just as the City Girls was starting to break through with their debut mixtape, Period, followed by a feature on Drake’s monster hit, “In My Feelings.” News of the Miami rapper’s release left Twitter in tears that the City Girls were finally whole again after a year of waiting. 

RELATED: City Girls’ JT Has Finally Been Released From Jail

  • And JT isn’t wasting any of her free time, either. She immediately dropped a single, “JT First Day Out,” in celebration of her early release. 

    “B**CH, I'M RIGHT ON TIME FOR THE SEASON CHANGE,” the rapper wrote on her Instagram page.


  • For the most part, JT has been taking in all the love her fans and rap contemporaries have been sending her way. Her Quality Control family made sure to shower her with gifts for her homecoming. 

    The “Twerk” rapper said she still has to get used to having access to a phone again. But, that hasn’t stopped her from tweeting up a storm on the TL on her first day back home. Naturally, there is probably a long list of things JT is looking forward to being able to experience again, but there’s one gripe in particular she couldn’t wait to get off her chest after spending a year behind bars. 


  • “I’m so excited to hear music with cursing,” she gushed on Twitter shortly after she posted a screenshot of DaBaby’s Kirk album. “The Feds have us in there listening to kidz bop clean version!!!”

    The hilariously candid admission has fans wheezing with laughter. 

    “You home now ain’t gotta live like that no more sis,” one fan commented in her mentions.

    For others, it was a revelation.

    “Lol I had no idea they do that,” another fan confessed. 


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  • See the best reactions to JT's tweet below.

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