Tyler Perry Talks About Police Killings and Brighter Future For His Son Aman

“When I saw that video, I had so many raw, guttural emotions.”

In a powerful first-person address, Tyler Perry opened up about his thoughts on racial injustice, the killing of George Floyd and his vision for the future of America when it comes to his 5-year-old son, Aman.

“The level of racism and brutality that George Floyd faced is something that we as black people know all too well. When I saw that video, I had so many raw, guttural emotions. I felt for him and his family, I felt for all of us as black people, I felt for my five-year-old son,” Perry tells People

The world-renowned movie producer, TV show creator and philanthropist said that his emotions triggered decades of pain, further saying that he is responsible for making sure that his son is ready for the world to come.

RELATED: Tyler Perry To Pay For Rayshard Brooks’ Funeral And Four Children’s Education

“I know that as his father, a Black man in America, it is my duty to prepare him for the harsh reality that awaits him outside of the watchful eyes of his loving parents,” he writes. “It will be a hard, heartbreaking conversation but one that I must have and will have soon.”

Continuing to read aloud, Perry lays out the hope of what is in store for the future.

“I will explain to [Aman] that because we are only 12 to 14 percent of the population, this fight will continue to be a long and arduous one, but I will tell him with pride to never give up. I will tell him that progress is made in small steps and even if you get exhausted to fight on, because there are always signs of daybreak before the morning comes.”

Voicing his compelling words aloud, Perry’s essay lasts for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, the reported length of time former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd’s neck as he died. 

Watch the full video below:

BET has been covering every angle of the police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks and other social justice cases and the subsequent aftermath and protests. For our continuing coverage, click here.

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