What Were Hilary Duff and Her Boyfriend Thinking With This Offensive Halloween Costume?

Bad move.

Hilary Duff and her boyfriend didn't get the dress code.
The couple won the award for Most Offensive Celebrity Costume this Halloween for coming as a sexy pilgrim (Duff) and native (her boyfriend Jason Walsh) to the Casamigos Tequila Halloween party on Saturday. We can only imagine the awkward looks they got from fellow guests for their clearly offensive costumes.

It's hard to believe that in 2016, especially with the standoff in North Dakota still happening, these two would have thought this would be a cute look:

Twitter quickly put them in their place:

To Hilary's credit, she wasted no time apologizing and taking responsibility.

Walsh said on his own Instagram that he "meant no disrespect" and apologized to anyone who was offended by what he wore. "I only have admiration for the indigenous people of America," he wrote. "In hindsight I would not have made that decision."

Looks like these two need a serious education or a few woke friends in their mix. They might want to start by watching the video above.

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