Beyoncé Has a Party in a Trailer Park

The Texas native shoots her new video close to hubby's home.

Kelly Rowland's Here I Am debuted in the top three on Billboard’'s chart. Beyoncé's album 4 is currently rounding out the top five, after peaking at the No. 1 spot. With so much success, why not have a party?


As seen in pictures of Beyoncé, 29, on INF Daily during the filming of her latest video "Party," this is exactly what the BFFs are doing—in a South Brunswick, New Jersey, trailer park. The images show Mrs. Carter wearing a yellow fur jacket and huge butterfly ears while Rowland, 30, is glittering in a purple sequins disco number.


Popsugar reports sister Solange, 25, was in the trailer, as well as a bunch of colorfully dressed dancers. Unfortunately, no one spotted OutKast’s André 3000, 36, on set even though he's featured on the track.


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