Leading Women Defined by Mom: Esi Eggleston Bracey

The VP of Procter & Gamble says her children are her proudest accomplishment.

As vice president for global cosmetics at Procter & Gamble, Esi Eggleston Bracey’s career constantly takes her around the world. A proud mother of two young children, Esi is grateful for the life lessons she learned from her mother, and she often relies on those very lessons as she embraces the challenges of motherhood, frequently from a far.

During a recent interview with BET Networks, Esi said, “My family knows they are the most important thing and that I’m always there for them.”

While a demanding travel and work schedule may seem like an impossible challenge to some, Esi’s outlook on life, clearly influenced by her mother, makes it seem quite simple. Esi’s mom taught her from an early age that “impossible is nothing.” About her mom, she added, “She took on every single challenge that you would look at and say it’s not possible and make it seem like nothing.”

Born and raised in Chicago, Esi and her brother moved from the place they had always called home when Esi’s mother decided to attend law school in Champaign-Urbana. Esi’s mother finished law school and passed the bar on her first attempt, all while raising two young children. Indeed, impossible is nothing.

Reflecting on the joys of motherhood and embracing a similar ‘impossible is nothing’ mantra, Esi said, “My children are my proudest accomplishment. Being a mom on its own is really a fulltime job. We have a slogan in our family that the Bracey family doesn’t give up. I pass the advice from my mother down to my kids everyday by role modeling, and I try to set very clear priorities. My kids are always first, even if I’m 10,000 miles away.”

For Esi, Mother’s Day provides her time to reflect on what it means to be a mother and to spend time with her family. As a woman who values quality time with her family, it’s easy to understand why Esi would like to see Mother’s Day extended beyond the one-day annual celebration and carried into everyday life.

When asked if she could tell her mom only one thing, what would it be, Esi said, “If I could tell my mother one thing, it would be thank you for setting a high standard, because I have taken that on not just for my life, but for my whole family’s life.”

This Mother’s Day, we join Esi in celebrating and honoring her mother, along with Esi’s dedication and commitment to her family every day of the year, not just Mother’s Day.

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