Armani Confuses Alfre Woodard and Idris Elba

Clothing giant makes Instagram gaffe, Black Twitter reacts.

Don't listen to Armani: today is not the day you will see Idris Elba in a dress.
The fashion house made a major gaffe on its official Instagram account on Tuesday, mixing up Oscar nominee Alfre Woodard with the British actor in a picture. The pic was of Woodard wearing a black Armani gown at the 5th Annual Governor's Awards, with the caption, "Idris Elba posing in a gorgeous Giorgio Armani dress." 
The mistake caused frustration among many, but also launched a hilarious barrage of tweets of other celebrity "mix-ups" with the hashtag #armanicaptions. 
The Armani PR team has since taken down the offending-slash-hilarious gaffe, but intrepid screen-grabbers assure that the mistake will live on.
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 (Photo: Instagram via Armani)

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