Kenya Moore Reveals Her Ex-Boyfriend Tried To Stab And Kill Her

She says the incident haunts her to this day.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta has been touching on some very real, very serious issues lately.

The latest episode saw the ladies come together to share their respective experiences or associations with domestic violence, with Kenya Moore starting the conversation by recalling an incident that occurred when she was a teenager.

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Sunday night's episode showed Moore taking on the role of producer in a black-and-white shot PSA to spread awareness about the widespread issue.

"I decided to produce a PSA on domestic violence to help spread the word on this important issue," she said during the episode, according to People. "When it comes to domestic violence, you don't have to look very far to find someone who has been adversely affected by it."

Kenya also revealed some private details about a personal moment where she was almost killed at the hands of her ex-boyfriend when she was only 16.

"When I was 16 years old, I dated someone who was 11 years my senior," she said. "It turned out to be a very physically abusive relationship to the point where I was stabbed, nearly killing me."

She explained that she still deals with the trauma from that relationship, to this very day, and wanted to have a hand in fostering some sort of change.

"Knowing that this day and age — 20, 30 years later — it's still occurring," she said. "I really wanted to do something about it."

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