'Average Joe': Joe Is Ready For War To Save His Baby Girl

Stakes are higher with Jen in Nicolai’s clutches, and Joe and company mobilize to get her back.

Last week, we ended with the bombshell that Jen is pregnant and in Nicolai’s clutches as the new hostage. Joe takes Angela to the hospital, where Pam shows up. She has a sensitivity chip, so she doesn’t interrogate him, but he asks for help and agrees. The first order of business is to see if Angela has helpful information that could give them clues about where Nicolai took their daughter.

Pam and Touch have a quick moment after that. They get on better terms after that forced detox Pam put him through and decide to work together to take Nicolai down and keep his drug habit a secret.

'Average Joe': High Stakes and Hidden Secrets

Meanwhile, we find Jen with the Russians in a cabin and Nicolai is having some weird drink celebration with his goons. He’s happy he will be a grandfather but notices that Arina has been giving him shady looks and asks why she’s disrespecting him. Arina explains that she did what she was supposed to — find out who killed his son — and now she wants her daughter back. In a flashback a few episodes ago, we saw that she got shot while pregnant and on the job in Russia. When she woke up in the hospital, Nicolai told her that her daughter had died and that she needed to get to the US for safety. In the US, she pretended to be a good American school teacher for years until Nicolai tapped her for the Dimitri job. His leverage was her daughter; he knew where she was the entire time.

We also learn that Jen speaks Russian, so she understands what’s happening but doesn’t let on. Later on, Arina and Jen have a moment alone, and it’s revealed that Arina feels some empathy for her. Arina also learns that Jen speaks Russian and commends her smart thinking for not revealing that fact. Jen asks her why she won’t just kill Nicolai but it’s not that simple because Arina doesn’t know where her daughter, who looks to be about 6 or 7, is located. She doesn’t even know her daughter’s name. But this sets us up for the cracks in Arina’s and Nicola’s foundation.

Pam and Touch visit the former’s mom, Gladys, in jail to try to see if they can get info out of her about where Nicolai is. It takes a while, but Pam finally reveals that she killed her partner — who was close to blowing up Nicolai’s operation — because Nicolai threatened Pam’s life. He was literally at  Pam’s apartment with a sniper on ready and said that he’d kill her if Gladys didn’t do his bidding. Eventually, they get an address for Jen.

Meanwhile, Cathy has been up to some weird stuff, like finding a stash of heroin after snooping around in a cabin. She gets the scoop from a junky on people she can sell it to. It’s unclear what, how, or if the stuff she’s doing fits into the bigger picture yet, though.

Finally, we end the episode with Joe shirking all plans and running up into the house to save his baby.

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