Sherri Shepherd Drags Her Ex-Husband in Lengthy Twitter Rant
Sherri Shepherd's divorce from husband Lamar Sally made headlines and sparked think pieces all last year for the truly unusual circumstances of their split. Not only did their marriage end, but Sally went ahead and had a baby via surrogate using his sperm and a donor egg, and then held Shepherd responsible for child and spousal support with claims that conceiving was their plan all along.
Since Shepherd has no genetic connection to the baby boy, who is now two, she has been involved in a lengthy legal battle with Sally to avoid maternity and, when that was denied by the court, to limit the amount of financial support she was obligated to give her ex. In short, it was a hot mess.
Yesterday, Shepherd was handed a legal victory that denied Sally the increased child support payments he was seeking. A rep for Shepherd said, "Sally and his counsel were humiliated as the judge flat out denied his request" to extract more money from the actress and talk show host.
But Shephard wasn't content to just let her lawyers do the talking, and took to Twitter to celebrate — and throw shade.
Messy, messy, messy!!
Get the full backstory on Shepherd's divorce and maternity drama with the video above.
After retweeting a bunch of articles reporting on her 'court victory,' Sherri chimed in with her own two cents:
She then called her ex lazy...
and clapped back at a follower who wagged a finger at her for airing out her personal drama on Twitter:
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She then accused Sally of conspiring with her first ex-husband and leaking to the press...
...and then threw shade at both her exes:
Just when it seemed like she was ready to give her Twitter fingers a rest...
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She came back with screen shots of Sally's dating profile:
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She logged off around midnight, but we're guessing this isn't the last we'll hear about this...