Ari Lennox Gets Candid About Her Struggles with Self-Love and Validation

“It is truly a miserable existence,” the R&B singer wrote on X/Twitter.

Even the shay butter baby Ari Lennox herself has days where she struggles to love herself.

On Wednesday, the 32-year-old singer got candid on social media  in a  series of Twitter posts, telling her followers, “I hate that I crave validation in every ounce of my life,” stating, "It is truly a miserable existence.”

RELATED: Ari Lennox Celebrates 7 Months Of Sobriety

The D.C. native also opened up about her challenges with seeking validation, stating that, “I hate that I wish I was cool. I’m embarrassing.” She added, “I don’t know when I’ll ever start loving myself. I don’t know if it’s possible. I can’t even enjoy all that I’ve created for myself.”

In a follow-up post, the “Pressure” singer wrote, “It’s painful reality to not be loved yet to crave it so bad in the most harmful places. To not be able trust anyone. To want people around but to push them away simultaneously. It’s mental misery.”

Ari received a flood of support from fans who took to the comment section with positive messages, encouraging the songstress to give herself grace, including one X/Twitter user who wrote “Sis, we’re all flawed & we all have our vices. You can’t fault yourself for feeling dependent in that way.” They reminded the star, “[And] no one can fault you for having trust issues considering all you went through.”

Ari has been sharing her journey of self-life and sobriety with fans for some time now. Last July, the singer revealed that she had been sober for seven months.

In a lengthy Instagram post, the Grammy-nominated star shared, “That’s a lot of sober flights. A lot of sober conversations. A lot of facing things raw and head on.” When thinking about her future, she noted, “Honestly I don’t know what will happen when I reach a year sober. Don’t know if sobriety is forever or not but I can’t imagine going back to how things were."

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