[Exclusive] What Does Wonder Woman Think of Black Lives Matter?

Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins speak up.

Wonder Woman is back, fighting for justice and spreading love around the world one theater at a time. She's the hero we need in these troubled times, but what does she think about the most pressing struggle in America today: the fight for justice for Black folks? 
We asked Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins how the iconic superhero would feel about Black Lives Matter — and their answers may surprise you.

For Jenkins, it's not as simple as "love conquers all."
"Her message is that only love is only ever going to stop this, but she will fight for what is not right as well," Jenkins tells us in our exclusive interview. "That's the wonderful balance of Wonder Woman, she knows enough to understand that mankind — that the more we don't become the hero within ourselves — and that means everyone, to become kinder and more responsible for what they are bringing to the world. But until that happens, she would be right there fighting."
She adds, "I believe in standing up for oneself, and defending oneself, and defending what's right in the I think that she would be completely supportive and understanding of that."

Gadot had thoughts of her own, taking a softer approach. "I think what's so amazing about Wonder Woman is that she's so inclusive, and she does not pay attention to any gender, race. And she's all about love and acceptance."

See our interview with Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins, above, and see Wonder Woman in theaters everywhere this Friday, June 2.

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