Here’s How Far Roseanne Barr Went To ‘Redeem’ Herself After Racist Twitter Fiasco

Nice try, sis.

Roseanne Barr is still talking.

Following the viral cancellation of her eponymous ABC sitcom, Barr stressed that she was about to take a Twitter sabbatical for some time. However, it appears as she is yet to follow through with her words as she recently took to the social media site to share that she actually begged the network not to ax her show.

According to Radar Online, in a series of now-deleted tweets, Barr explained to her followers that she "begged" ABC to keep her show on the air, but they swiftly swerved her.

"I begged Ben Sherwood at ABC 2 let me apologize & make amends," she tweeted. "I begged them not to cancel the show. I told them I was willing to do anything & asked 4 help in making things right. I'd worked doing publicity4 them 4free for weeks, traveling, thru bronchitis. I begged4 ppls jobs."

Her sob story fell on deaf ears as they weren't having it and still managed to show her the door.

Sharing specifically what Sherwood, the Disney/ABC Television Group president, told her, she added, "He said: what were you thinking when you did this? I said: I thought she was white, she looks like my family!"

Those last comments she made, in reference to Valerie Jarrett's appearance, didn't make things any better for her, as far as Sherwood was concerned.

"He scoffed & said: 'what u have done is egregious, and unforgivable,'" she recalled. "I begged 4 my crews jobs. Will I ever recover from this pain? omg."

This all comes as a result of Barr saying Valerie Jarrett, a Black woman and former adviser to president Obama, looked like a result of "Muslim brotherhood" having a baby with "planet of the apes."

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