SMH: Find Out the Disgusting Reason Why Kerry Washington Was Fired From Two Acting Jobs

The actress showed that typecasting in Hollywood is real.

Kerry Washington has come a long way in her career, but there was a time where the actress was constantly being rejected for not being "hood" enough. The Scandal star candidly spoke on being typecast during the fourth season of Variety's Actors on Actors.

"Before Scandal, I was actually cast in two other pilots. Both went to series, but I was fired and recast," she told Aziz Ansari during the sit-down. "For both, it was because they wanted me to sound more 'girlfriend,' more like 'hood,' more 'urban.'"

Aziz Ansari also recounted a time where he was boxed in during his audition for a "Masters of None" episode on "Indians of TV," based on his ethnicity.

"A lot of other minority actors have told me, 'Oh, this so rings a bell' when you go into an audition room and you see a bunch of people that look like you and you just start feeling like, 'Oh, I'm not here [for me], I'm here because I fit what looks like the person they want in here," he said.

These setbacks pushed Kerry to create content to prevent this from happening so often to minority actors in the future: "I definitely feel like I'm at the point where it's nice to not have to sit at home and wait to be invited to the party, but to be creating work for yourself," she said.

Watch the actress slam AdWeek for photoshopping her face in the BET Breaks video, above.

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