Mac Miller Distinguishes Himself From Asher Roth

The Pittsburgh MC doesn't accept the comparison to Roth.

Mac Miller is the latest college-friendly, weed-smoking, hard-partying white rapper to take America by storm, and he thinks he knows where the last college-friendly, weed-smoking, hard-partying white rapper, Asher Roth, went wrong. In an interview with XXL, which named both Roth and Miller to their annual "Freshmen" list, Miller talks about his predecessor's mistakes.
“Asher Roth came out with ‘I love College’ and that’s not really him as an artist,” he said. “He likes to rap his ass off. He likes to spit, and he’s on some positive change the world type sh*t for the better, and that’s not him. They thought that would be a hit song. And I think that was the thing, like, he came out in that lane that they pushed him in and he didn’t wanna go there. He just wants to rap and sh*t.”
Miller, who broke out with the viral hit "Donald Trump," says he's steered clear of that pitfall by mixing it up with his music.
“I have some jams where you’re like, ‘Hell Yeah, these are great to get high to,’” he said. “These songs are great to f*** a bitch to. These songs are great for you to sit by yourself and think about some sh*t. These songs are good for you just to hear someone rap they ass off, so for you to box me into one type of thing is like you kinda being an idiot.”
The 19-year-old rapper's debut album Blue Slide Park, was released this Tuesday and is on track to sell around 100,000 copies in its first week.

(Photos: Chaz Niell/PictureGroup; Jeff Daly/PictureGroup)

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