Nicki Minaj Talks Style in V Magazine
From the “We Read It So You Don’t Have To (But You Totally Should Because It’s a Good Article)” file: the Spring 2011 issue of V magazine, the go-to source for independent-minded fashionistas, features Nicki Minaj as the cover story.
Ms. Minaj dishes about music, style and being a female in the rap world. Regarding her bold fashion choices, Ms. Minaj concedes, “I’ve definitely had hits and misses.” She describes her first appearance on 106 & Park: “All of it, the hair, the corset, the Barbie accessories, was too-f**king-much-dot-com. I looked like I was blind for the day and just walked onstage.” Maybe so, Nicki, maybe so. But that doesn't change how much we love you.