Let The Fugees Reunion Rumors Begin!
Has the time come? Is it here? Is it here? This weekend (Sept. 4) new mother of six Lauryn Hill introduced special guest and fellow Fugees alum Pras Michel at this year's Rock The Bells concert in New York City on Governors Island. Hill and Michel performed the two classic Fu jams "Ready Or Not" and "Killing Me Softly." According to Hill, Michel's visit was a surprise. "They just turn up," she said. "That's how the Fugees do." Are we any closer to another refugee reunion, one that will last? The last time the trio performed as a unit back in 2006 it didn't last long and it didn't end well. Both Michel and Wyclef accused Hill of needing "help." Let us know in the comments if you think a Fugees reunion is likely or if it can only exist in Fu-gee-la-la-land.