Nicki Minaj Was Unfairly Made Responsible For Her Brother's Sexual Assault Conviction

Allow Nicki's mother, Carol Maraj, to explain it all in the new, tell-all interview...

The in-depth conversation that Nicki Minaj’s mother, Carol Maraj, promised viewers at the top of the month regarding her son Jelani Maraj’s sexual assault trial has arrived with never-before-told insight into the high-profile child rape case of 2017.

Speaking from her son’s defense, Carol revealed with Hip-Hop Hood Report some of the sketchiest details surrounding the final decision of the selected jury members, as told to the press by an alternate juror who was sent away.

Judging by his testimonies, there’s a lot of dangling ends that Ms. Maraj feels not only should be shared with the general public, but that demands immediate attention from it too.

  • She explained that this alternate juror argued that Jelani would be a free man if it were up to him…

    Especially considering the lack of evidence in the case against him. “He said because every piece of clothing or evidence that was presented, came back negative,” Ms. Carol explained of his testimony. “And that was what he said.”

    New York Daily News reported this statement back in November 2017 prior to the final guilty conviction. "Beyond a reasonable doubt, I don't think there was enough evidence there to convict him," the 33-year-old said. "Do I think maybe something happened? Probably. "But not enough to convict him by what we're told to convict on."

  • Ms. Carol said Labau also pointed out that other jurors used a rather partial subjective decision-making model in rendering the verdict, like the absence of his sister, Nicki Minaj

    “He also went on to say, why would they say if [Nicki Minaj] wasn’t there, that means he was guilty,” she said, “and why would they talk about what Wendy Williams says?”

    Considering that discussing the trial prior to the completion of deliberation was against the court’s rules and regulations, Labau’s reported statement is brow-raising for Ms. Carol. Not to mention, she said elsewhere in the interview, the information that attorneys leaked to the media shaped a certain narrative around the case. She also has an affidavit providing evidence that “[the jurors] were busy talking about his sister” and her absence on the stand determining definitive guilt, she added. “So they went by their own mind, their own feelings and they already had him guilty way before the trial ended.”

  • Another consideration Ms. Carol expressed concern about was the DNA, which she said was determined ‘inconclusive’

    At least, that’s what the final transcript showed. There were conflicting testimonies surrounding this, Ms. Carol also explained, because initial reports claimed her son’s DNA was not a match. Another site, which was ultimately considered in the verdict, claimed it was. However, the transcript read “inconclusive,” a major concern for such a critical piece of evidence.

    Check out the full half-hour interview below.

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