Dolce & Gabbana Want to Party With Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber has stolen the hearts of many during his musical career and he can now add fashion designers Dolce & Gabbana to his list of fans who have "Bieber fever." Dolce & Gabbana are planning a huge private party to thank the "Baby" singing sensation after his upcoming show in Milan on Saturday (April 9).
The designers consider the young star a muse and Stefano Gabbana recently admitted he’s a fan of the music. "We are fascinated by his capability of communicating with his music to a wide variety of audiences, from the teenagers to a more adult public," he told Contactmusic. His partner Domenico Dolce shared the sentiment adding, "We do love Justin's music. We have been listening to his last album during our fashion show preparation and in our free time it's in our playlist! He belongs to the new generation, he cares about fashion. We are very happy to dress him and we admire him a lot."
Bieber regularly wears the designer’s suits and ties for premieres—including his own film Never Say Never—and awards ceremonies, so the feelings are mutual.
(Photo: CAMERA PRESS/ David Dyson/Retna Ltd.)