See Why Tamar Braxton Fired Her Stylist Over A Forever 21 Jumpsuit

"So my clothes make me?! NEVER!!!"

Oh my! Tamar Braxton doesn't play when it comes to fashion and style — and dictating her clothing's price tag is a definite NO-NO!

Yesterday, Tamar was spotted at Essence wearing a stylish Forever21 City of Angels Camo Jumpsuit retailing at $40 and it looks like there's a story behind to the look.

Posting a mini open letter on her Instagram, the 40-year-old diva shared why she fired her stylist due to his objection to her wearing the $40 'fit and, let's just say, it got real: 

Valid points. Fashion is not about how much you spend, it's all about how you wear it and how it makes you feel. A true mark of a trendsetter is a person who can take a potato sack and make it stylish. That's Fashion 101.

Bottom line, wear what you want because she is over the labels and pricing!

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