Disney’s “Tangled” Highlights Hair, Humor and Acceptance

“Tangled,” Disney’s hilarious revamp of “Rapunzel,” is quite possibly the funniest animated flick to hit theaters in years. Featuring the voices of Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi (“Chuck”), “Tangled” tells the story of a sheltered Rapunzel (Moore), who’s been living in a secluded tower under the watchful eye of her possessive mother for all 17 years of her life. When Flynn Rider (Levi), the charming yet obnoxious town thief, accidentally crosses paths with Rapunzel, she leaves her home for the first time and sets off an unforgettable journey, with her 70 feet of magical gold tresses leading the way.

Through the use of CG animation and the help of a few certified hair experts, Rapunzel’s hair moves, bends and even frizzes like a real life mane. “Her hair is really representative of so many things,” explains actress Mandy Moore. “It has both physical and emotional power because she can do so many amazing things with it like swing from trees and lasso large objects. But then it’s also a very emotional part of Rapunzel’s being because of the power it holds and the magical story behind it.”

The tale of a teenager with straight blonde hair carries a universal theme. The “Tangled” storyline warns against allowing any one thing to define your worth; especially your hair. Much of Rapunzel’s self-esteem is tied up in her hair and its power, but as the story unfolds it encourages little girls of all ethnicities and curl patterns to love their true selves.

“I’d definitely agree that the main message in ‘Tangled’ shouts, ‘Be true to yourself!’” says “Tangled” director Nathan Greno. “Audiences of all ages and ethnicities can relate to that and we really made sure Rapunzel’s character is like a friend you may know. She’s not your typical female animated lead. She’s so funny, fresh and smart. She really mirrors today’s young, sensible woman with an innocence that makes her an all-around joy to watch,”

Not only was the Disney team charged with making a fantastic film for a diverse audience, but “Tangled” also commemorates a special milestone. “This is Disney’s 50th animated film, so we spent a lot of time carving out rich characters and a unique story that would uphold the legacy,” second director Byron Howard reveals.

Check out “Tangled” this Thanksgiving weekend with the kiddies. It hits theaters Wednesday, November 24.

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