Texas Jail Says They Are Not Liable for Sandra Bland's Death

The Waller County jail is not liable for the death of Sandra Bland in a cell back in June 2013, their attorneys say. Therefore, officials want a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Bland's family against the jail to be dropped. Waller County officials continue to stand by their claim that Bland's death was a suicide in a 39-page document they filed to a federal judge on Veteran's Day.

The Waller County jail is not liable for the death of Sandra Bland in a cell back in June 2013, their attorneys say. Therefore, officials want a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Bland's family against the jail to be dropped.

Waller County officials continue to stand by their claim that Bland's death was suicide in a 39-page document they filed to a federal judge on Veteran's Day.
The lawsuit against Waller County by Bland's mother says that jailers were "negligent, willful, wanton and reckless ... in failing to keep her in a safe and suitable environment where she could be kept free from injury, harm and death," the Houston Chronicle reports.  
On Friday, July 10, police stopped Bland for allegedly signaling a lane change 
improperly. A video captured by a bystander shows police using excessive force to arrest her. She was forced out of her vehicle and slammed on the ground according her friend, Malcolm Jackson.

Bland could be heard yelling to an officer, "You just slammed my head into the ground," in the video. Bland continued, "Do you not even care about that? I can't even hear." Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith said Bland "had been combative on the side of the road," according to

Around 9 a.m. the following Monday, authorities found Bland unresponsive and performed CPR on her. She was pronounced dead shortly after, according to a statement released by the Waller County Sheriff's Office. 

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(Photo: Courtesy of Bland family)

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