mike huckabee

Gov. Mike Huckabee Goes on Racist Twitter Rant During #DemDebate

Huckabee is not worried about being seen as a bigot.

Mike Huckabee Still Thinks Black People Are Not Full Citizens

Candidate said Dred Scott decision is "law of the land."

Iowa Republicans Think Beyoncé Is ‘Mental Poison’

Mike Huckabee's comments sparks a poll in the midwest state.
Mick Huckabee, Jay Z, Beyonce

Mike Huckabee: Jay Z Is 'Pimping' Beyoncé

Politician calls out the couple in his new book.

What the Huck! Mike Huckabee on "Uncle Sugar"

The Republican sparks fury on birth control, "war on women."
Obama Administration Redefines “Rape” - On Jan. 6, the Obama Administration expanded the definition of rape to include men as victims for the first time, in addition to instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent. (Photo: REUTERS/Akintunde Akinleye)

Commentary: Why Can’t the GOP Shut Up About Rape?

Republicans need to understand that rape is rape.